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SPONSOR Iftar in the Cary Masjid

ICC- West Wing - Main Musallah

If you would like to SPONSOR - IFTAAR AND DINNER for the traveller and others in CARY MASJID, please use the following info and click here

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Ramadan Banquet Hall Booking

ICC Banquet Hall 1155 W Chatham St, Cary

Alhamdulillah, Another Year of reaching to Ramadan has arrived, Insh'Allah. Cary Masjid has Special RATES for booking of Iftar & Dinner at Cary Masjid. Detail are in the Poster here is some added info

15th Sha`ban – Shab-e-Baraat

Join us at ICC with your FAMILY on FEBRUARY 24th after ISHA prayer for the amazing opportunity to learn about the importance of Night of 15th Sha’ban Led by Imam Sami Kocak. A spiritual evening and all night of Nawafil & SALAH lead by imam! PROGRAM: 07:45 PM: Starting with…