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SPONSOR Iftar in the Cary Masjid

ICC- West Wing - Main Musallah

If you would like to SPONSOR - IFTAAR AND DINNER for the traveller and others in CARY MASJID, please use the following info and click here

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Ramadan Banquet Hall Booking

ICC Banquet Hall 1155 W Chatham St, Cary

Alhamdulillah, Another Year of reaching to Ramadan has arrived, Insh'Allah. Cary Masjid has Special RATES for booking of Iftar & Dinner at Cary Masjid. Detail are in the Poster here is some added info

Youth Taraweeh

ICC Banquet Hall 1155 W Chatham St, Cary

ICC is pleased to announce that we will be having Youth-Led Taraweeh this year during Ramadan inshAllah. Youth Taraweeh will be held in the Banquet Hall. Parents and Huffaz, please register for a wonderful opportunity to practice leading Taraweeh and improve Hifdh memorization. Register here: Please contact Br. Irfan…