Alhamdulillah, Another Year of reaching to Ramadan has arrived, Insh'Allah. Cary Masjid has Special RATES for booking of Iftar & Dinner at Cary Masjid. Detail are in the Poster here is some added info: Kids Over 9 will be considered as 1 perosn. Kids from 5-9 will be charged half…
Fidya is $15 per person per day Fidya is paid when someone is unable to fast during Ramadan due to a medical condition (pregnancy, prolonged illness, etc) and can’t make up the fast. In Ramadan, Fidya must be paid for each fast missed. To pay, click here.
$15/person The head of the household can pay Zakat Ul Fitr for their dependents such as children and any other dependent. Zakat Ul Fitr can be paid during Ramadan or before Eid prayers at the latest, so that the needy can be part of the day of Eid. Pay here!
I’tikaf will take place at Cary Masjid during the last 10 days of the blessed month, starting March 31st until the end of Ramadan. Enrollment is required. For enrollment, please contact: Br. Mohammad Abdul Qadir (Kaiser): (919) 271-5501 Br. Irfan Siddiqui: (919) 264-6111